A Good Morning and Welcome

“I don’t want to analyze myself or anything, but I think, in fact I know this to be true, that I enter the world through what I write. I grew up believing, and continue to believe, that I am a screw-up, that growing up with my family and friends, I had nothing to offer in any conversation. But when I started writing, suddenly there was something that I brought to the party that was at a high-enough level.”
—Aaron Sorkin


I welcome you to my blog and thank you for choosing to navigate my the deep recesses of my mind and read the bits and pieces of my soul and sweat I stick to these pages.  I don’t like to make promises I cannot keep, and making a pledge to you that I’ll update my blog once a week or twice a week or every other week is not realistic.  I’ll only make the promise that when I think I have something justifiable to share, I’ll share it here.  When events in my life move me in such a way that I need to share them, I’ll share them here.

I am a thirty-one year old freelance writer.  Currently, I reside and work in a southwest suburb outside of Chicago, but I spent three years of my post-graduate life living and working in television in Los Angeles, one year in North Carolina, and three years in Arizona.  My day-job has been as a business marketing consultant, but that’s neither here nor there.

My professional life consists of a consistent scrambling for my next paycheck.  My primary focus for the last two years has been on finishing my debut novel, The Rainbow Child, and my debut short story collection, “Emerging Adulthood.”  I’m also writing spec scripts in the hopes of getting a job writing television.

My "Little" Man

My personal life is as unfinished and turbulent as my professional life, I guess.  My only responsibility in the world, really, is my two-year old dog, Roger.  I’m not happy about Roger being my sole anchor, but at the moment that’s how it is, and I try very hard to be okay with that.  Some things in life can be controlled, while others are left up to so many factors it makes you dizzy to even think about.

I am aiming for my blog to be a reflection of who I am and what I’m about.  Blog topics will be generally focused in on culture (movies and books and TV shows specifically) or politics, and sprinkled within will be current events and just random, non-categorical musings, which, will, I hope, serve as a well-meaning style change up.

Through my various blogs you’ll get a better idea of who I am, and what I’m about, and my goal is to provide you, as my readers, with something to think and talk about.

And once again, I appreciate you spending a little time with me.  Please, if something you read strikes you in anyway, feel free to comment on my blog or contact me; either way would be lovely.


The Siblings Greenwald

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